Horror at Heavenly Pond: A 70’s Slasher Film-Inspired Photo Project
This is a project I was involved in last month– a photoshoot done in the style of 70’s and 80’s slasher films like Halloween, Friday the 13th, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was shot almost like a film in that it had a plot and was organized into eight scenes, shot sequentially.
That meant that we all had to be mindful of continuity– where did we leave off last time, where has the protagonist taken wounds that should be represented with special effects makeup, etc. We also had to work together to adapt the planned scenes to the environment we shot in, i.e. where should the killer hide, where should he catch here, how does she escape, where could she hide from him, and so on.
The project was conceived and organized by Lauren Alex, a Los Angeles-based makeup artist. Altogether I think out came out better than any of us expected, and I’m thrilled that I got to be involved. The five of us have already started to talk about possibly doing a sequel sometime this winter.
🩸Writer, Creative Director, Costumes, Hair & Makeup: Lauren Alex
🩸Killer: BK McKee
🩸Camp Counselor: Aitana Baum
🩸Photographer: John Fawkes
Lauren and a friend of hers also play extras- fellow camp counselors- in the opening scene. Lauren’s the brunette.